Enthusiastic off-road bicyclists from across the country come for the annual Chequamegon (She-wa-me-gon) Fat Tire Festival presented by Trek, which means fat tire racing and fat tire fun.
September 14, 2019
Cable & Hayward, WI
Each year in mid-September, thousands of fat tired fliers descend on the towns of Cable and Hayward in northwestern Wisconsin to take on the off-road bicycle tests of endurance and agility offered throughout the weekend. Don't miss out, sign up early for this awesome race.
Chequamegon 40 - The Chequamegon 40 begins travels from downtown Hayward, WI over the famed American Birkebeiner Ski Trail, forest roads, snowmobile trails and other wooded paths in Sawyer and Bayfield counties to the finish line at Telemark Resort in Cable, WI. The race course is long and fast, and the never ending profile fluctuations wears down even the fittest participants.
Short & Fat - Starting on Randysek Road in Cable, WI, the Short & Fat race route utilizes forest roads, the American Birkebeiner Ski Trail and other backwoods paths on the way to the finish line at Telemark Resort. The dynamic Short & Fat roll out from the start line presents racers with an unmatched beginning to their off-road adventure.
Saturday Fun for All - Klunker Toss, Lumberjack & Jill Log Pull, Under the Big Top
Kids Events:
Children's Bicycle Rodeo - The younger set is also included in Saturday’s activities when they take part in the Children’s Bicycle Rodeo. The Rodeo offers events for children with bicycles and without. Bicycle handling challenges, a scavenger hunt, the newspaper toss and a fun Kiddie Crit are part of the youthful lineup.
Kiddie Crit - An untimed age graded circuit race is also part of the youthful lineup. Participants medals for all who join the fun.